'***THE GEMMA COMPETITION*** Count how many times I (Darik) say Gemma or Gemmers in this video (a lot), and leave it in the comments below. Whichever correct answer has the most likes by this Thursday\'s video, I\'ll shout them out and will send them a $50 Target gift card ;) May the odds ever be in your favor! SUBSCRIBE! Videos every MONDAY and THURSDAY Gemma visits the cutest farm! Petersen Family Farm in Riverton, UT is filled with fun October ideas for the entire family to enjoy. The farm animals and mini goats are precious.The BEST Food trucks are always found at these farms. The Tacos we ate were to die for. Halloween is right around the corner and we are feeling the October spirit. Follow us on Instagram! FAMILY: @thechatwins CARA: @carachatwin DARIK: @darikchatwin GEMMA: @gemma_chatwin Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thechatwins/ Twitter! https://twitter.com/TheChatwins TRIPLET BABY MAMA DANCE!!! https://youtu.be/SDkPi0N5CZg Cara\'s Triplet Doctor Bumpdate @ 32 Weeks https://youtu.be/wkcOb7aK3zw Cara\'s Amazing baby shower!! https://youtu.be/4gIwtIZH2kY Watch Gemma play with Taytum and Oakley and the FISHFAM! https://youtu.be/8KZsEOpmSJI Watch our TRIPLET Gender Reveal! https://youtu.be/vYdeQjn-TBw Watch our very first VLOG! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kbc5K... Videos every Monday and Thursday! Subscribe to our channel! www.youtube.com/c/thechatwins See you soon! Pray the Triplets stay in as long as possible! ♥️ XO #TheChatwins'
Tags: Fall Fashion , farm animals , fall outfits , halloween ideas , food trucks , Live Music , Food Truck Ideas , best food trucks , fall fashion ideas , cute farm animals , gemmas visits cutest farm , october fun ideas , fun kid activities , fun october activities , friendly farm animals , unique food trucks , easy whip transitions , whip transition , sam kolder transitions , speed ramp transition , october spirit , mini goats , parkour goats , petting zoo , friendly goats , mini horse
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